Thursday, 10 July 2014

Still among the living


So life has been a lot of ups and downs, the ups were up, but the downs were way, way down.

My job is okay, but for the sake of truth and to get everything off my chest, it is killing me. I’d rather not talk about it, not too much. I’m already living this, I’d rather not bring it into the place I do put in my otherwise quite jumbled thoughts.

So I’ve been dealing with a lot of myself, this might be a very selfish post, but then again, this is my blog, I’m allowed to be selfish and sick of life here.

So basically I’m here, head above water, barely enough time to sleep after fulfilling the usual role of catching up on the tv shows to keep me above all.

That aside, I’ve discovered that Ginn Hale and Megan Derr are also two of my favourite authors now, maybe because of their genres but perhaps their way of ending the stories. Or rather how they come to an end.

This post took me nearly 5 days to write and half an hour every morning when I get to the office early.

Also, True Blood is back, (FU, how could you do that to my handsome hairy friend), THE 100, fell in love, with the ice princess and the extreme bad boy (BELLARKE 5EVAH ) XD, what else, bI’m back on defiance somewhat, Teen Wolf is back for season 4, Dangnammit Jeff Davis, the shit you put us through, and varoius other thing that I might have missed since the last the entire season 4 of Game of Thrones, yes I did fall in love with the Viper, and mourned him with all my feels. Hemlock Grove is coming back for season 2 (finally), oooh and how could I forget the beautiful Rhona Mitra in the Last Ship.

So I just wanted to make sure I could still write, and not clam up, I promise I will keep posting more frequently.


Till Next Time, (MWAZ)


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