Friday 12 November 2010

Ohh Lemon Scented!!

This blog is a result of a promise I made to myself to procrastinate less and act more often....

Lets start with the basics...I'll be blogging about everything and anything I really want to get off my chest...or mind, whatever...So today...Ze topic is buses in Sri Lanka.....

As a student and a fellow commuter I have to agree that the buses in Sri Lanka are a part of our culture, no where in any other country will I ever be sure to see so many people of so many different backgrounds stuffing themselves into a bus early in the morning to avoid the rush hour other than Sri Lanka...

Psh...You also have to be uber careful that you don't run into perv's...My mum makes it a routine habit to tell me to get a seat with a lady and sit on the window side to avoid "bad" I don't know..

Its also a place to observe people...seriously , I saw this lady with a purple handbag with some fake white, maroon and brown wool on it and all through the bus ride I was trying to imagine a purple cow...with white and brown polka dots, then there was the time I sat right in front of a man who kept talking very loudly in the bus into his the end of that ride I knew more about his Sister, his bike and Indian bikes than I'd really care.

And then there are the times that you end up hanging on the outer railing of the bus like a skinny left to dry on a hanger...yep, there is no bus culture in the world like Sri Lankan bus culture....:)

Hmm...Even I end up being stared at...seriously people should be more open minded....haven't hey seen spiked bracelets and funky one stares when I wear a frilly blouse and trousers..only those who they think are different...

On another note does anyone know where I can watch Iris the Korean Spy Drama with English subs...trying to find a good link that isn't broken.

T.O.P. from big bang...ooh

Well then chickas...stay true, stay free, and stay cool

mwaz from the Procrastinator...

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