Sunday 14 November 2010

To Sam or to Dean that is the question....and Dutch goth bands!!!

Hmm...I was talking to a friend [ the black crow] who also happens to be one of my chief conspirators in my bid for world domination when we ended up talking about music...this normally happens in our conversations...we either end them by talking about, music, movies or inappropriately dressed women/men....Teehee

Anyways, the bands that I want to introduce  are Within Temptation and Red....Both are awesome and don't hesitate to download a couple of tracks to try out...
Within Temptation is a dutch band, the lead vocalist is female and he voice is literally like ice water on a chilly day..It gives you the shivers...:)

As for Red, also an awesome rock band, I just heard of it today but I know for certain, that the black crow has really good taste in music...

 Someone Recently asked me whether I would choose Sam or Dean [ from Supernatural] Well I really couldn't decide all at once...because A. Dean is Bad-ass and Hot, while B. Sam is Tall and cute ...but what about Castiel the angel, so here I'll give you a couple of choices and you can comment and tell me which of these...umm contestants you choose...:)

Sam or Dean

Garrett Hedlund 

Yo Seob from BEAST 

Taemin from SHINee

  or last but not least
Gaspard Ulliel (who I think would have made an awesome Vampire)

What only boys pictures and nothing more...oh the humanity...don't worry I just got a bit side tracked after looking at Yo Seob...he makes me go Awwwww!!! like a wittle puddycat..

So Justin Bieber ehh...I personally have nothing against the midget...oops I mean kid but I dont understand the infatuation with he has an okay voice...his songs are nothing new to the genre and he could really use a new stylist ...that hair is so last year....For some reason he reminds me of those trained monkeys...who look like offense meant to JB but seriously get a new style bro...get a new style of music that doesn't make most people remember Britney Spears...or in 10 years time you'll be singing.."Oops, I did it again"

ooh yah...the movies to look out for: A) Sucker Punch I watched the trailer and I was like has samurai, machine guns, and dragons....ME WANT!!!!

And do not forget to check the following out: Megamind

 Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

and The Warriors Way

Ta ta gotta go Sleepy will update soon..

Stay Safe, Stay true, Stay Free, Peace................ 

1 comment:

  1. me a very big fan!!!! can u write about Pirates Of The Carribean thanks Luv ya.......... the blog
